Innovations in healthcare is becoming paramount in revolutionizing patient engagement, physician time management and improving overall quality of care. It is estimated that over sixty million patients flock to the internet instead of a physician for healthcare related information. Patients now have access to all the information at their fingertips that were once available only to healthcare professionals. Without question technology is having profound impact on the practice of medicine. Let’s explore through this infographic the impact of technology on patient doctor relationship and what what the future beholds.

 doctor-patient relationship changing it’s going electronic

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With advancement in technology and growing patient engagement the role of physician is slowly turning into that of a consultant. It is the beginning of a very different patient doctor relationship, where patient is engaged, empowered and driving the care process.

July 24, 2015
doctor-patient relationship changing it’s going electronic

How Digital Health is Affecting Doctor-Patient Relationship [Infographic]

Innovations in healthcare is becoming paramount in revolutionizing patient engagement, physician time management and improving overall quality of care. It is estimated that over sixty million patients flock to the internet instead of a physician for healthcare related information. Patients now have access to all the information at their fingertips […]
July 21, 2015
technology save lives

Doctor? Nope, Technology will Save You in Future [Infographic]

Technology is surely transforming healthcare like never before but what if it could save your life? We belong to an era wherein healthcare is thriving with all the technological advancements taking place, from wearable technology that can help patients take prescriptions on time to aiding patients with chronic diseases to […]
July 14, 2015
role of twitter in healthcare

Twitter & Healthcare: Conversations, Communities, and Care [Infographic]

How does twitter benefit healthcare? Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms available, providing lots of scope for communication, sharing news, updates and discussions. Healthcare adoption of twitter remains fairly low since healthcare is governed by strict HIPAA regulations, but it still remains a viable option to […]
July 8, 2015
remote patient monitoring

Delivering Quality Healthcare Services With Remote Patient Management (RPM) [Infographic]

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) technology is highly rated by the Healthcare fraternity. Substantial investments have been made by the leading names in the business such as Phillips Healthcare and Cerner. An overview of this breakthrough technology with its possibilities and threats are portrayed below: RPM adoption will improve the quality […]
July 1, 2015
apple's researchkit and google's studykit

Future of Medical Research: Apple Research Kit & Google Study Kit [Infographic]

Medical research has since long been plagued with health care information that is either inconsistent or not of the quality needed for any research. But with technology giants like Apple and Google stepping in into healthcare sector, health innovation and research is now possible with volunteers joining medical research with […]
June 26, 2015
translating between ICD-9 and ICD-10

ICD-9 to ICD-10 Mapping Made Easy with GEMs [Infographic]

With ICD 10 transition looming large, do you wonder how ICD 9 codes can be converted to ICD 10 codes or vice versa? Translating or mapping between ICD 9 to ICD 10 codes is possible by using General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs). GEMs seeks to create a smooth translation mechanism or […]