As promised, here is our next in the series of medical billing & coding. Today, we will talk about Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System(HCPCS), commonly pronounced as “hicks-picks”.

This code set primarily represents services provided for patients under Medicare & Medicaid. Out of the three levels of codes in this set, Level I is very identical to CPT but is used to bill Medicare patients instead, thus get reported as HCPCS code. Level II codes — which represent any non-physician services —  together with HCPCS modifiers spells out the real difference between HCPCS and CPT. Level III codes were discontinued in December, 2003, in order to adhere to consistent coding standard. What’s better way to present these concepts via an infographic? Let’s explore our HCPCS infographic:

medical billing codes - HCPCS types and modifiers

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It is overwhelming to learns various code set available but once you start getting hang of any of these code sets, it becomes easy to adapt to any standard. Hopefully, we helped here and would love to get any feedback.

Over to you!


October 13, 2015

Introduction to HCPCS Codes [Infographic]

As promised, here is our next in the series of medical billing & coding. Today, we will talk about Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System(HCPCS), commonly pronounced as “hicks-picks”. This code set primarily represents services provided for patients under Medicare & Medicaid. Out of the three levels of codes in this […]