On October 1st 2015, ICD-10 replaces ICD-9. With less than 2 months remaining, entire US healthcare switches from 35 years old diagnoses and procedure coding systems to more advanced & sophisticated coding system which is not only relevant to current medical scenarios but can easily adapt to future advances in healthcare.
ICD-10 enhanced clinical documentation requirements mandates physicians to better capture patient visit details and maintain detailed clinical documentation brings various administrative, training, structural challenges and risks. Providers and clinics rely on the coding system to get reimbursed for the services that they provide. Failure to adopt recommended guidelines to transition to ICD-10 would be burdensome, costly and would lead to revenue cycle problems.
To help healthcare professionals with this transition, Vigyanix is launching an online tool – “MEDLookups – Medical Lookups on Demand” – with the ICD-9 & ICD-10 code search and crosswalks between ICD-9 and ICD-10 as its first offering.
As of July 2015, the number to codes between ICD-9 and ICD-10 code sets, there are roughly 180,000 codes. Someone not familiar with ICD-10 codes would not know where to start. This is where Lookups section comes in handy. Codes can be found using a keyword / code number search or a more natural language query, which returns the most relevant results.
User may bookmark codes or add notes for quick access later.
How about linking codes from one ICD-9 to ICD-10? General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs) from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service helps with the linking but still poses a daunting challenge to care provider and coders with no IT support. Our Crosswalk service based on the General equivalence mapping(GEM) present a very fast, user-friendly interface to map codes from ICD-9 to ICD-10 and vice-versa. A simple search can bring up various coding scenarios for users to decide on the fly for their specific case.
“We developed this for ubiquity. Our focus was mobile and wanted our users to have same great experience irrespective of which device were they on. I am happy to announce that we are fully compatible with broad range of devices and resolutions. We deliver the same consistent experience across and quite proud of team’ achievement. This doesn’t end here, a lot more is coming. We are currently working with various care providers to release Bulk Convert, Speciality charts and tighter integration with EHRs and expect this to be available in next few weeks” said Manoj Verma, Head of Research & Development with Vigyanix .
MedLookups is available at Medical Lookups