An Introduction to CPT Codes [Infographic]

Hopefully, you enjoyed our last Medical Billing & Coding infographic. Continuing our journey , we will be covering  Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes today.  Like ICD, CPT codes are integral part of the medical coding and billing cycle. CPT codes in combination with ICD codes paint a full picture for the payer e.g.

Patient arrives with certain symptoms and physician diagnosis of the symptoms are translated into an ICD codes.  Any further procedure or service on the same diagnosis is represented in CPT code. Broadly CPT codes are used to describe surgeries, lab tests, x-rays or any other procedures performed on the patient.

Without further ado, let’s do a deep dive into the following infographic to better understand CPT codes:

CPT codes

[vig_embed_code url=”/blog/an-introduction-to-cpt-codes-infographic/” src=”” alt=”CPT codes”]

Insurance companies process over 5 billion claims for payment, just in United States alone. To maintain the accuracy & consistency of data captured and to process Medicare, Medicare and other health claims quickly, a standardized coding system like CPT becomes absolute essential.


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