Steps to ICD-10 Coding [Infographic]

October 1st was the day: Twittersphere was abuzz with ICD-10 tweets from plain funny to the one which can send chills down your spine.

Worry not!!  This is exactly why we decided to create this post to help ease the pain of ICD-10 coding.  Years of waiting, preparing, training, and worrying still led us to this day where whole healthcare community is being exposed to this massive set of medical codes expanded from ~18,000 codes to ~150,000+ codes, enough to make you quit your job.

Some of you who are just waiting for your claims to be rejected before you start learning about ICD-10, we would recommend to start with

ICD 10 transition looming large: What you need to know

Welcome ICD-10 with a smile : 8 Tips for smoother transition

ICD 9 vs ICD 10: Things you must know

But if you are ready to take on ICD-10 transition head-on, we have a fix just for you: a step by step guide to convert a Doctor’s Medical note into a billable code ready to file and get paid.

how to select the right ICD-10 Code (international classification of diseases )

[vig_embed_code url=”/blog/steps-to-icd-10-coding-infographic/” src=”” alt=”how to select the right ICD-10 code”]

No more denying ICD-10. It’s finally here. Would it pass just like Y2K or  the sky would really fall ? Time will tell.

If it helps, be aware that Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) had already indicated that it will not instantly reject any claim even if providers use the wrong ICD-10 code, as long as the code is in the right category.

Our words of wisdom – believe in what you have done so far. At this point, everyone already trained as much as they could. WE ALL ARE READY!!!

Over to you


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