Is mHealth really the future of healthcare? Are you still pondering over the idea? It is estimated that there will be over 1.91 billion smartphone users by end of 2015 and it will gallop its way to cross the 2 billion mark by 2016. In such a scenario, can healthcare remain untouched by the technological advancement going around? Lets explore through this infographic how mHealth is influencing patient care, to what extent and its future in the years to follow.

is mHealth really the future of healthcare?

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The widespread use of mobile and wireless technologies to support healthcare objectives has the potential to transform the way healthcare services are delivered across the globe. Many powerful and positive factors are driving this change. The major factor being the rapid advancement in mobile technologies and applications, which has led to the integration of mobile health into existing healthcare services, bringing in a revolution of sort. With the pace with which healthcare providers are adapting to the technological changes. It is not a secret anymore that mHealth is sure to disrupt healthcare segment in a big way in the years to come.

February 10, 2015
is mHealth really the future of healthcare?

Is mHealth really the future of healthcare?

Is mHealth really the future of healthcare? Are you still pondering over the idea? It is estimated that there will be over 1.91 billion smartphone users by end of 2015 and it will gallop its way to cross the 2 billion mark by 2016. In such a scenario, can healthcare […]
January 29, 2015
2015 Healthcare IT trends

Healthcare IT trends 2015 [Infographic]

Healthcare is all set to have a major turnaround as hospitals and doctors look for ways to redefine healthcare. Emerging technologies, consumer demand and economic pressures are pushing health care into newer avenues wherein, patient engagement is taking centre stage and influencing healthcare like never before. In this infographic we […]
January 10, 2015
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HIPAA demystified – What you need to know about HIPAA [Infographic]

As new technologies are evolving, healthcare industry has begun to move away from paper based processes and relying heavily on electronic information systems to conduct a host of clinical and administrative functions. While this definitely means that the medical workforce can be more mobile and efficient, but the rise in […]
December 31, 2014
Clinical Trials software - Vigyanix

How Do Clinical Trials Work : From Trial To Treatment [Infographic]

Clinical trials are conducted in order to gather more data regarding the safety and efficacy of a new drug or device development. There are several steps and stages of approval in the clinical trials process before a drug or device can be sold in the consumer market, if ever. Drug […]